Will you import our wine?

Contact Lindsey at lindsey@linarawines.com and let’s discuss. We love working with passionate winemakers producing great wines.

Can we distribute your wines?

We are always looking for great distributors across the USA. Contact Lindsey at lindsey@linarawines.com and we can discuss the best ways to work together. We can get our wines to your quickly as we only put wines on our website that we have in stock.

Can you ship wine directly to a consumer?

Sorry, but we cannot. We work through a network of distributors, wine shops, wine bars, and restaurants. If you would like to know where to find one of our wines, email us at lindsey@linarawines.com and we can let you know. Alternatively, ask your favorite wine shop to contact us and we can get wine to them quickly.

How much are the wines?

Contact us for all pricing details.